Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our goal when we buy land and build a house is to also have a big vegetable/fruit garden and also have chickens to give us eggs.

I've always been gung ho about owning some chickens but I just read this article about raising ducks instead and now I'm wondering if maybe we should scrap the chicken idea and go strictly for ducks. I've always liked ducks. I think they are so cute. I've never had a duck egg though but this article is saying they taste better than chicken eggs. Makes me kind of want to try them.

Has anyone ever owned ducks? If so, do you recommend them & are their eggs much better than chickens?

If we get ducks I'd like to dress them up as these guys, hahaha!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gorgeously Green

Because I am subjected to being home 24/7 due to my hip fracture I've had LOTS of time to read & surf the internet. I honestly hate sitting on my butt day in and day out because I know I'm getting all sorts of fat cells on my butt, hips, and thighs because of this but I have no choice until my stress fracture heals.

Anyways, I've really gotten into my vegetable garden hobby. Along with that and my increased interest in eating vegetarian I've just been reading up on all sorts of things. I feel very strongly about deciding to become vegetarian. I just feel like it is SO important to not eat all these tainted animal products. I'm trying to go as organic as possible with fruits and vegetables since even all our produce is tainted with chemicals as well. I just want to be as free from all these harmful chemicals as possible. I just want my body to be as healthy as it is supposed to be.

A few nights ago Jeff and I watched the documentary Chemerical and even though I found the main family on it SUPER annoying I completely agree and want to follow what the documentary was about. It's common sense that all our products contain harmful chemicals and it's common knowledge that all these toxins are seeping into our skin and we're breathing them in. I knew this but of course sometimes you just need a slap aside the head to really understand just how awful all this stuff is and what it's doing to us.

Anyways, I got the slap I needed and even though I have been slowly using up all my cleaning agents and beauty products I realized I just need to STOP using them and replace them all with natural, good ones. I honestly hate wasting money and the thought of just tossing all my cleaning agents and beauty products just eats at me but when you realize just how harmful all these things are you need to just suck it up and dispose of them properly. Thankfully we have a convenient place on this military base where we can drop off all toxic chemicals so I have been packing up a box and plan to drop them off there.

If you're curious to see how harmful your beauty products are I highly suggest checking out the site Skin Deep. It's a large cosmetic database where you can just type in the name of the beauty product you use and it'll give you the information on what is in it, what it does to your body and a score of 1-10 on how harmful it is.

I typed in a few of my beauty products today and let's just say I had to suck it up and dispose of some of them because they were all very high on the toxic list. One of my products even had a 9! It was an Avon eye cream and it stunned me because I LOVE Avon and the fact that I've been putting a highly toxic cream on my thin eye skin (which absorbs easily) just makes me cringe. My poor toxic body! Is there some way to detox my body of all these harmful chemicals? I have been a beauty product addict for at least 15 years so the thought of all those chemicals inside me is just revolting.


Okay I didn't make it to the Salvation Army because I was feeling pretty sleepy but I did manage to stumble upon a tidbit about Benjamin Franklin. Yes, I said Benjamin Franklin.

I just found out that he was apart of a secret society called the Hellfire Club. Turns out the Hellfire Club is this group of rich people who come together to make fun of religion, drink & participate in huge orgies. Ben Franklin in an orgy?! I was seriously stunned because I grew up seeing this picture of a serious proper gentleman - you know the one in the history books.. and to now see him as this evil man who participated in these kinds of activities is just weird.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Little Bit of Home

I was fortunate enough to get the car today. I have been stuck in the house for over a week with nothing to do but read and it's getting a little old. Technically I'm not supposed to be using this left leg at all BUT I'm getting cabin fever so when Jeff took the Mustang today I hopped in the Jetta and have been driving around today.

First stop was the Annex so I could see if they had any vegetable plants I could buy and plant into our garden. Nope! I did end up seeing a gorgeous spider plant - so bushy with babies growing that I couldn't resist and I bought that along with the Herb Grow Bag so I could start cat grass, cilantro, and basil. (My cats better thank me for the cat grass that will be soon growing!)

I've been wanting to get a houseplant, especially a spider plant, since they are known for eliminating household toxins in the air. Now that I've become all about going as organic, all natural, etc a houseplant was definitely something I needed. I'd honestly like to buy numerous amounts of them and put them in our bedrooms as well but because we'll be moving off island within a few months I didn't want to spend that money and have to either give the plants away or throw them out when we leave. I really hope I don't have to throw out my spider plant, whom I've already named Sylvia, haha! (See how sad and pathetic I've become if I'm naming my plants now?) It's so bad that I actually named our two tomato plants Bob & Bob jr and named our cucumber plant Larry - yes, Veggie Tales *may* have been my inspiration. :)

Anyways, I also found some little carton seed containers I had bought years ago so I put in some soil and planted 3 pole beans and I'm going to attempt sowing the spinach seeds in our little spot where the tomatoes are. I'm not sure how or if they will grow directly in the dirt we have here but we'll see. I didn't want to start spinach in a pot because the back of the package says to just sow it right into the ground so I'll cross my fingers that it'll grow that way.

Next on my To-Do list? I think I'll head to the Salvation Army. I want to see if they have any cheap pots and while I'm there maybe I can find Ethan some shorts for school. I love the thrift store so much but the one out here is expensive for a Salvation Army. Their clothes are like $5 and up! I'm used to the one in RI where clothes were like $5 and below. Oh well.. Hawaii isn't ALL glitz and glam, haha! You definitely have to fork out the dough if you want to live here.

Before I end this anyone into prepping? I started watching that prepper show and I love it. Heck, I was already in the prepping mindset before seeing that show but since seeing I definitely want to prep more. Our goal is to become entirely self sufficient and be able to live off the grid. I really want to leave the island so I can REALLY start stockpiling. We can't exactly prep out here because when we move in April they aren't going to ship all that kind of stuff so I haven't really done much of anything out here. Let's hope a natural disaster, financial disaster, etc doesn't happen before we leave here or else we'd be unprepared!

I think in the future I may do another post on prepping just because I find it so fascinating and even if you think this country will be fine it's still good to learn some tricks just in case you do find yourself in a situation. I want to learn how to survive in case something bad were to happen.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chocolate Frosting Shot

Here is an AMAZING dessert recipe that I found on Pinterest and tried tonight.

It's called a chocolate frosting shot and the creator of this dessert can be found by clicking on that link.

I made some alterations to her recipe because I didn't have cocoa powder. I am a HUGE fan of chocolate Shakeology and because it's all natural (NO artificial ingredients) and loaded with super foods I like to substitute chocolate Shakeology for cocoa powder, etc in recipes.

Katie's recipe called for:

1 can full-fat coconut milk 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp cocoa powder 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract sweetener to taste (stevia, etc)

Then you: "Open the coconut milk, and leave the can (or transfer to a bowl) uncovered in the fridge overnight, unless it’s already thick like mousse. (Don’t shake the can before opening.) It should get very, very thick. (If it doesn’t, you’ve gotten a bad can that won’t work for the recipe. I highly recommend Thai Kitchen Organic, because I’ve had the most success with that brand.) Once thick, transfer to a bowl (you can opt to leave out the watery bit at the bottom of the can, if you want it even thicker) and whip in your cocoa, vanilla, and sweetener with a fork, or even beaters if you want to be fancy. (For the photos on this page, I didn’t use beaters. But I did pipe the mousse out using an icing tip.) Stored uncovered in the fridge, the mixture gets even thicker." (Excerpt taken directly from

Okay so here is what I did if any of you have Shakeology handy. instead of 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp cocoa powder I just used 1/4 cup chocolate Shakeology - Ta Da! (You all thought I was making some huge alteration to it..haha, nope. I also left out the sweetener because I try to avoid as much sugary stuff as possible. Honestly, with the Shakeology, vanilla and coconut cream I didn't think it needed anything else, it tasted AMAZING! Now, I have no idea what her recipe actually tastes like with the cocoa powder and extra sweetener so I can't help you there BUT I do know the version I made was AWESOME and I will definitely be adding this recipe to my dessert keepers list!

I'm so glad I found her recipe for this delicious, quick, indulgent dessert!

I'll include the photo that was pinned to Pinterest. Mine looked the same as well if you follow her directions.

Hope you all enjoy!

I've had even more time to think about this blog to decide (again) where I want to take this. I said the fitness routine and now I think I will add recipes as well. Heck, I think I'll do a mostly based fitness/recipe blog along with what I sometimes go through. Why the heck not? :)

My family has decided to try vegetarian as our new "lifestyle". We started this about two weeks ago and so far it's going better than I thought. We didn't go cold turkey so right now I will say we are flexitarians because maybe once a week we have some form of poultry..which reminds me, I do eat eggs (I love them too much to give them up & I want their protein) so I guess technically I will never be full fledged vegetarian which is fine by me. We didn't go into this with the mindset of "SAVE THE ANIMALS" but we went into this decision to switch our eating habits after watching the amazing documentary Forks Over Knives. (I highly recommend watching it)

Anyways, with our vegetarian mindset we decided to plant a garden. Where we live, on a military base, we don't have many choices to the size of it so it's quite small but that's fine. At least we'll be able to grow a few organic cucumbers and tomatoes and those are two vegetables that I buy quite often at the store. It'll cut our grocery bill down some and it's a step in the right direction to go all organic.

I've become quite a Nazi when it comes to buying organic produce. If I can afford it I will buy it. Otherwise, I'll buy the fruits and vegetables that aren't as bad the ones with the rinds I can peel off, etc. I used to just rinse my produce, maybe give it a little "scrub" with a dry paper towel after rinsing (what a bad idea that is!) but now that I've become aware of how harmful pesticides are I now scrub the heck out of the produce. I had bought that Fit produce spray but since joining Pinterest I have found other alternatives to cleaning my produce.

One "recipe" to clean your produce is to fill sink with water, add 1 C. vinegar, mix. Add all fruit and soak for 10 minutes. Water will be dirty and fruit will sparkle with no wax or dirty film. Great for Berries too--keeps them from molding.

FYI: That above text was taken from the Pinterest pin. Here is the actual blog this "recipe" comes from. DIY Fruit and Veggie Wash. I'm actually quite new to blogger so I hope I gave credit (the right way) where credit is deserved. I don't want anyone yelling at me for "stealing" this idea/recipe when I'm not. I'm letting you know now that I got it off Pinterest and then clicked to find her blog.

I just really want people to clean their produce better if it isn't organic. Maybe you all do, I don't know..all I do know is that I was a slacker and just rinsed my produce never really thinking how BAD pesticides and germs in general (that are already on the produce) truly are. I know it's basic knowledge but sometimes we just overlook it and bat an eye and think we'll be fine. We won't be fine. We are wreaking havoc on our endocrine systems by ingesting all these pesticides and other toxic chemicals sprayed on our foods.