Thursday, July 26, 2012

Our goal when we buy land and build a house is to also have a big vegetable/fruit garden and also have chickens to give us eggs.

I've always been gung ho about owning some chickens but I just read this article about raising ducks instead and now I'm wondering if maybe we should scrap the chicken idea and go strictly for ducks. I've always liked ducks. I think they are so cute. I've never had a duck egg though but this article is saying they taste better than chicken eggs. Makes me kind of want to try them.

Has anyone ever owned ducks? If so, do you recommend them & are their eggs much better than chickens?

If we get ducks I'd like to dress them up as these guys, hahaha!


  1. Good I can't wait to steal from your garden! You should be the queen of chickens since you used to have them.

  2. how bout you update this thing once in awhile!
