My family has decided to try vegetarian as our new "lifestyle". We started this about two weeks ago and so far it's going better than I thought. We didn't go cold turkey so right now I will say we are flexitarians because maybe once a week we have some form of poultry..which reminds me, I do eat eggs (I love them too much to give them up & I want their protein) so I guess technically I will never be full fledged vegetarian which is fine by me. We didn't go into this with the mindset of "SAVE THE ANIMALS" but we went into this decision to switch our eating habits after watching the amazing documentary Forks Over Knives. (I highly recommend watching it)
Anyways, with our vegetarian mindset we decided to plant a garden. Where we live, on a military base, we don't have many choices to the size of it so it's quite small but that's fine. At least we'll be able to grow a few organic cucumbers and tomatoes and those are two vegetables that I buy quite often at the store. It'll cut our grocery bill down some and it's a step in the right direction to go all organic.
I've become quite a Nazi when it comes to buying organic produce. If I can afford it I will buy it. Otherwise, I'll buy the fruits and vegetables that aren't as bad the ones with the rinds I can peel off, etc. I used to just rinse my produce, maybe give it a little "scrub" with a dry paper towel after rinsing (what a bad idea that is!) but now that I've become aware of how harmful pesticides are I now scrub the heck out of the produce. I had bought that Fit produce spray but since joining Pinterest I have found other alternatives to cleaning my produce.
One "recipe" to clean your produce is to fill sink with water, add 1 C. vinegar, mix. Add all fruit and soak for 10 minutes. Water will be dirty and fruit will sparkle with no wax or dirty film. Great for Berries too--keeps them from molding.
FYI: That above text was taken from the Pinterest pin. Here is the actual blog this "recipe" comes from. DIY Fruit and Veggie Wash. I'm actually quite new to blogger so I hope I gave credit (the right way) where credit is deserved. I don't want anyone yelling at me for "stealing" this idea/recipe when I'm not. I'm letting you know now that I got it off Pinterest and then clicked to find her blog.
I just really want people to clean their produce better if it isn't organic. Maybe you all do, I don't know..all I do know is that I was a slacker and just rinsed my produce never really thinking how BAD pesticides and germs in general (that are already on the produce) truly are. I know it's basic knowledge but sometimes we just overlook it and bat an eye and think we'll be fine. We won't be fine. We are wreaking havoc on our endocrine systems by ingesting all these pesticides and other toxic chemicals sprayed on our foods.
I don't wash anything off the right either, oops.
ReplyDeleteSeriously I was the same way. I just rinsed & thought "Eh" like that was enough.. I don't even rinse myself to clean myself so how the heck can rinse clean pesticides off? It can't.
ReplyDeleteSO yeah, once I really started thinking now I try to really scrub them. Currently I'm still using my FIT produce spray just because I want to use it up but once it's gone I'm going to buy plastic basin & do this vinegar rinse. I don't like the idea of using my sink because regardless of how I clean it I still feel like it's full of I will devote one big basin entirely to produce cleaning.
I found some other ways to clean pesticide residue off of produce & I had posted that on my fit page but now that my fit page is gone (since I deactivated FB) I need to find those cleaning "recipes" some other way & I'll share them here.